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The work at Smyrna Home makes a real difference in the community 

Feeding those in need

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Weekly Feeding Programme

Smyrna Home puts on free meals every Thursday lunchtime. These meals are open to anyone in need; homeless, widowed, disabled, anyone who needs support is welcome. Those who attend often travel a distance just to get a hot meal.
Can you help support the amazing work carried out at Smyrna Home? By giving £5 per month you will be providing a hot meal to one very needy person each week.

Giving children a better future

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Child Sponsorship

Sponsoring a child not only helps the child but the family as well and is used for school fees (books, clothing, lesson fees), food, medicine or basic supplies. Smyrna Home has provided support for over 10,000 Children since 1983.  Child  sponsorship gives that child the opportunity to escape poverty and give back to the community.
Can you make a difference in a young persons life? By sponsoring only £10 per month, you will be assigned a sponsor child who will write and keep you updated with how your sponsorship is helping them.

Caring for the marginalised


New World Sponsorship

Smyrna Home's New World Centre provides rehabilitation and development for children and adults with serious injuries or special needs. Sponsorship provides for medical equipment and expertise, meals for New World Centre patients and support for the mini-bus used to collect individuals with health conditions or impairments. This is vital work and enables those in most need within the community to receive the care they desperately need. 
By sponsoring only £25 per month, you will be supporting the complex needs of those attending the New World Centre.

Making a difference to families


House Sponsorship

For a family in need a small house (12ft x 12 ft) makes a world of difference, often replacing slum type living conditions. Sponsorship houses are only constructed for individuals linked to Smyrna Home.
Can you provide a home for those in real need? By giving from £1,250 to build a  small house (12ft x 12 ft) for a family in need. A sponsorship plaque will be placed on the house with the sponsor name and you will be updated with the progress and pictures of the completed house.

For more information on the work and projects at Smyrna Home in India, click here for the Smyrna Home India Website 

Our Work: Donate

Registered Charity Number: 1150384

©2023 by Friends of Smyrna Home.

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